Generate Report of AWS Security Groups’ Rules with Python

We all come across situations where we need to search security groups with specific rules. We also want to know the resources that have been associated with such security groups . Based on number of security groups you have in your AWS account, it could take days to decipher through this information manually via AWS Web interface. I have put together a Python script to generate a CSV file that can be opened in Excel or Numbers to view security group rules just like they are rendered on AWS Web console. You can grep on it or search in any text editor, Excel or Numbers.

# Purpose:      Generate rule report of all the security groups                                                      #
# Input Params: None                                                                                                 #
# Usage:        ./  > account-date.csv   [python ./ > agill-dev-2018-04-11.csv ]       #
# Author:       Abdul M. Gill                                                                                        #
# Doc. Ref:
from __future__ import print_function

import json
import boto3

#Explicitly declaring variables here grants them global scope
cidr_block = ""
ip_protpcol = ""
from_port = ""
to_port = ""
from_source = ""

print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("Group-Name","Group-ID","In/Out","Protocol","Port","Source/Destination"))

for region in ["us-east-1","us-west-1", "us-west-2"]:
	ec2=boto3.client('ec2', region )
	sgs = ec2.describe_security_groups()["SecurityGroups"]
	for sg in sgs:
		group_name = sg['GroupName']
		group_id = sg['GroupId']
		print("%s,%s" % (group_name,group_id))
		# InBound permissions ##########################################
		inbound = sg['IpPermissions']
		print("%s,%s,%s" % ("","","Inbound"))
		for rule in inbound:
			if rule['IpProtocol'] == "-1":
				traffic_type="All Trafic"
				ip_protpcol = rule['IpProtocol']
				#If ICMP, report "N/A" for port #
				if to_port == -1:
					to_port = "N/A"

			#Is source/target an IP v4?
			if len(rule['IpRanges']) > 0:
				for ip_range in rule['IpRanges']:
					cidr_block = ip_range['CidrIp']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, cidr_block))

			#Is source/target an IP v6?
			if len(rule['Ipv6Ranges']) > 0:
				for ip_range in rule['Ipv6Ranges']:
					cidr_block = ip_range['CidrIpv6']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, cidr_block))

			#Is source/target a security group?
			if len(rule['UserIdGroupPairs']) > 0:
				for source in rule['UserIdGroupPairs']:
					from_source = source['GroupId']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, from_source))

		# OutBound permissions ##########################################
		outbound = sg['IpPermissionsEgress']
		print("%s,%s,%s" % ("","","Outbound"))
		for rule in outbound:
			if rule['IpProtocol'] == "-1":
				traffic_type="All Trafic"
				ip_protpcol = rule['IpProtocol']
				#If ICMP, report "N/A" for port #
				if to_port == -1:
					to_port = "N/A"

			#Is source/target an IP v4?
			if len(rule['IpRanges']) > 0:
				for ip_range in rule['IpRanges']:
					cidr_block = ip_range['CidrIp']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, cidr_block))

			#Is source/target an IP v6?
			if len(rule['Ipv6Ranges']) > 0:
				for ip_range in rule['Ipv6Ranges']:
					cidr_block = ip_range['CidrIpv6']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, cidr_block))

			#Is source/target a security group?
			if len(rule['UserIdGroupPairs']) > 0:
				for source in rule['UserIdGroupPairs']:
					from_source = source['GroupId']
					print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % ("", "", "", ip_protpcol, to_port, from_source))

Make sure to set your AWS CLI environment before running the script. You can read through another article I wrote on that topic. Update shbang to reflect your path for Python 3 installation or you can launch it with python following way:

     $ ./  > account-date.csv
     $ python ./ > agill-dev-sg-20180411.csv

What if you want to know whether you have any security group with a specific rule? If yes, which resources is it applied to. I got you covered on that one as well. In my use case, I am looking for any security groups that are accepting “All” traffic from “any IP”. And I want to know which network interfaces, hence resources have these groups attached to them. This script ( creates a list of problem security groups as well as associated network interfaces based on your filter. Again, you can run if in one of the following ways:

     $ ./
     $ python ./

Be mindful of the SG filter behaviour. It’s applied to the whole security group, not each rule. SO I had compensate for that in the loop to make all filter conditions are met a rule to select a SG into the reported list.

Download Script File(s):

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